6 sentences with 'psychologists'

Example sentences and phrases with the word psychologists and other words derived from it.

« Modern psychologists advise seeking a win-win solution for both spouses. »
« Freud was one of the founders of the medical discipline of psychology. He was the forerunner of the concept of modern therapy itself and his theories, although now largely rejected by psychologists in terms of their empirical accuracy, continue to exert an enormous influence. »
« According to psychiatrists and psychologists, "the direct influence of a set of sounds - music - on the unconscious determines the release of intelligence and powers that are usually unknown". »
« The psychologists and psychiatrists conducting the experiment were in full agreement: The direct influence of a set of sounds (in this case music) on the unconscious determines the release of intelligence and "powers" that are usually unknown. »
« However, both men and women consider that the preferred topics of conversation of the other sex are often "trivial". Such were the findings of just one of nearly 40,000 studies on human nature published each year by psychologists, sociologists and pollsters. »
« In the old days, psychologists used to say that we should "air our problems" with others. But every day I have more and more evidence that sometimes it takes tolerance and silence to get along with others. »
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