Sentences with 'punishable'

Example sentences and phrases with the word punishable and other words derived from it.

« As even some minor offenses were punishable by death, there were many bodies hung, beheaded and impaled, to serve as a chastisement. »
« Under the watch of the French King Charles X, the small group of wealthy politicians who were allowed to sit in the French Chamber of Deputies passed a law making religious sacrilege punishable by death (no one was ever actually executed), and reinstated harsh censorship even as French society had become increasingly literate and liberal. »
« For that small portion of educated society that could read and had access to foreign books, even to discuss politics, let alone advocate reforms of any kind, was a punishable crime, with thousands exiled to Siberia for the crime of having made an off-hand comment on politics or possessing a book describing a political concept originating in the West. »

See sentences with related words - 1998 - 2022