7 sentences with 'biblical'

Example sentences and phrases with the word biblical and other words derived from it.

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« At that time, too, virtually all works of art depicted biblical themes. »
« In the church, the biblical passage from "The Righteous Man Who Died Young" was read. »
« Gender norms in medieval Europe were based on a combination of centuries-old social traditions, ancient medical theories and biblical norms. »
« The most famous historical example of the overlapping legal systems of the Empire was the biblical trial of Jesus before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate. »
« The term originally referred to the biblical story of the enslavement of the Jews by the Babylonian Empire in the 6th century BC, but the Babylonian Captivity of the late Middle Ages refers instead to the period during which the popes no longer lived in their traditional residence in Rome. »
« Despite the abundance of biblical scenes in Renaissance painting, no attempt was made to depict people as they might have appeared at the time. Instead, the paintings projected the world of the popoli grossi (wealthy people) back in time, sometimes even including portraits of actual important Italians. »
« An obvious example of a field that benefited from formal disputatio (disputation) was law: disputation as a technique moved easily from biblical to legal questions, and by the twelfth century new generations of lawyers (beginning in Italy) were using scholastic techniques both to revive aspects of Roman law and to hone their own skills as lawyers. »

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