6 sentences with 'biggest'

Example sentences and phrases with the word biggest and other words derived from it.

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« That was the biggest compliment she had ever paid me. »
« In commercial terms, the biggest prize, at least initially, was the Caribbean, because of its suitability for growing sugar. »
« In Dr. Epstein's opinion, the biggest difference between children and adults is that children should not have fatal diseases. »
« In retrospect, it seems clear that his biggest problem was that he could never stop: he always seemed to need one more victory. »
« France may have been the biggest economic beneficiary, but Napoleon's Italian, German and Polish subjects (among others) also had their first experience of a society in which one's status was not defined by birth. »
« The Umayyads' biggest problem was the size of their empire. Like other rapid conquests, such as that of Alexander the Great 1,000 years earlier, in the course of only a few decades a people found themselves in control of huge swathes of territory. »

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