5 sentences with 'guarded'

Example sentences and phrases with the word guarded and other words derived from it.

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« For millions of years, viruses, bacteria and other carriers of genetic information have guarded their vital secrets. »
« The guide returned at midnight with bad news: there were four closely guarded checkpoints. As continuing the march was too dangerous, he proposed to turn back. »
« While smaller nations in the region cautiously guarded their own borders, most of the world's attention was focused on the border with France, the obvious next stage in Germany's plans for conquest. »
« Guilds jealously guarded the skills and tools of their trades - everything from goldsmithing to barrel-making was controlled by the guilds. Guilds existed to ensure that their members produced quality goods, but they also existed to keep out outsiders and make the "masters" who controlled the guilds rich. »
« In 1981, construction began on a 'pesticide processing plant' in Samarra, a town 60 kilometres northwest of Baghdad. This closely guarded industrial complex was clearly not a project like any other. A German technician later commented: "If insecticides were being produced there, such strict security measures would not have been necessary". »

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