10 sentences with 'exert'

Example sentences and phrases with the word exert and other words derived from it.

« The athlete will exert her strength during the final race. »
« The chef exerts expertise when preparing a gourmet dinner. »
« The manager carefully exerts his power over team decisions. »
« The teacher exerts creativity while designing engaging lessons. »
« The engineer exerts precision to ensure the building's stability. »
« However, during the late medieval and Renaissance periods, monarchs began to exert more power and influence. »
« Sam is used to getting what he wants this way. He has learned to exert emotional pressure to manipulate his mother. »
« The molecular biologist Emile Zukerkandl once wrote that, if it were possible to exert sufficient control over the manifestation of DNA, any primate could be engineered from human genes. »
« Black holes are objects that exert such a strong gravitational pull that nothing - not even light, which travels at 300,000 kilometres per second - can escape their influence. Hawking got to thinking: how did the singularity - the cosmic egg - emerge from the centre of a black hole? »
« Philip II was able to exert great control over Spanish society. However, he found it much harder to impose similar control and religious unity in his foreign possessions, especially in the Netherlands, a collection of territories in northern Europe that he had inherited from his various royal ancestors. »

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