6 sentences with 'inscription'
Example sentences and phrases with the word inscription and other words derived from it.
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• « An inscription states that '5,400 soldiers ate daily in his palace', and there are graphic records not only of soldiers, but of siege weapons and mining (digging under the walls of enemy fortifications to make them collapse). »
• « The acronym inri stands for the Latin words Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, which, in English, means "Jesus Nazarene, King of the Jews". Pilate had the inscription placed on the cross so that the cause of Jesus would be written. »
• « In 1968 an inscription identifying the city was found on a statue; in 1974 an economic text came to light; and in 1975 the archive was discovered lined up in libraries. These are clay slabs with carved cuneiform signs, dating from 2440 and 2250 BC. »
• « The ancient Cyrus II Cylinder inscription reads: "When I entered Babylon peacefully, I took up my lordly abode in the royal palace amidst rejoicing and happiness. Marduk, the great lord, established as his destiny for me a magnanimous heart of one who loves Babylon, and I daily attended to his worship." »
• « Part of the inscription on the Cyrus II Cylinder reads: "I am Cyrus, king of the world, great king, mighty king, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters, son of Cambyses, great king, king of Anse, grandson of Cyrus, great king, king of Anse, descendant of Theispes, great king, king of Anse, of an eternal line of kingship, whose dominion Belo and Nabu love, whose reign they desire to their hearts' delight". »
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