5 sentences with 'archives'

Example sentences and phrases with the word archives and other words derived from it.

« From the archives of the U.S. Navy, the boys in Room 14 obtained a copy of a report, which stated that the rescue of the shipwrecked airmen had been aided by the courage of other individuals. »
« Biographers have had to rely on the accounts of people who knew Stalin rather than having access to personal archives. He also changed his mind frequently and did not adhere to consistent patterns of behaviour or decision-making, making it difficult to pin down his core beliefs or goals. »
« They enlisted the help of Sarajevo's best radio amateurs, and moved the archives, fax machines and photo lab to the basement to set up an underground newsroom. To reduce the risk of being hit by snipers, journalists stay there for periods of a week. »
« The archives of the Moscow Academy of Sciences contain the disturbing reports of Alexandr Efremov, a scientist dedicated to the exploration of dinosaur "cemeteries". »
« But written material proliferated so much that there were not enough libraries, not enough archives, not enough librarians, not enough bureaucrats to move so much information. Computers had to arrive, which, like the brain, are just another intelligent technology developed by our genes to ensure their own continuity. »
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