8 sentences with 'swift'

Example sentences and phrases with the word swift and other words derived from it.

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« The swift zebra crossed the road just in time to avoid being caught by the lion. »

swift: The swift zebra crossed the road just in time to avoid being caught by the lion.
« The dog scurried through the grass at the slightest carelessness, swift as a wild animal. »
« "It caught my eye a swift movement, alongside our raft - the water was buzzing with sharks! ..." »
« Riding their swift horses and camels and dedicated to their cause, the Arab armies conquered vast amounts of territory very quickly. »
« In 1187, under the legendary leader Saladin, Muslim forces recaptured the city. Europe's reaction was swift, as England's King Richard I, the Lionheart, joined with others to mount another action. »
« An old adage says that "generals fight the last war", basing their tactics on what worked in previous conflicts, and in 1914 the "last war" most generals sought was the Franco-Prussian war, which Prussia had won by swift and decisive action and overwhelming force. »
« According to the members of each nation's general staff, it was all or nothing: either they committed all forces to a swift and decisive victory, or they suffered certain defeat. There could be no small increments or tentative skirmishes; it was a total commitment to a massive war. »
« Fear spread in the city of Buenos Aires when the first defeated troops arrived. Faced with the possibility of a swift British attack, the mayor Martín de Álzaga took command, who organised the defence, ordered trenches to be dug, distributed weapons and raised everyone's spirits. At that moment Liniers returned, having managed to reorganise his forces. »

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