5 sentences with 'disadvantage'

Example sentences and phrases with the word disadvantage and other words derived from it.

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« -It would be easier to study dead specimens," he says, "but there is the disadvantage that the species is cannibalistic. »
« Fitzhugh argued that laissez-faire capitalism, as celebrated by Adam Smith, only benefited the quick and clever, leaving the ignorant at a huge disadvantage. »
« This is the big disadvantage of an active sensor: the one that senses, can be sensed. A passive sensor such as the eye never gives the user away, in all visual chauvinism, what a joke. »
« Many sports scientists and doctors claim that, in the not too distant future, all sports disciplines will use these methods for training, and those who do not will be at a disadvantage. »
« The rectangular face: The long, thin cheeks give this face a very soft and fragile air. The disadvantage is that the eyes appear to be close together, which can lead to a slightly unhealthy look. All shades of blue, pink and plum are recommended for fards, blusher and lip rouge. »

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