8 sentences with 'tonnes'

Example sentences and phrases with the word tonnes and other words derived from it.

« It is estimated that Antarctica absorbs about five tonnes of lead per year, compared to 500 kilograms a few millennia ago. »
« Since mining began 12 years ago, the Argyle in Western Australia has yielded 400 million carats (80 tonnes) of diamonds, a third of the world's annual production, which has resulted in exports of more than $400 million a year. »
« -Don't kid yourself," Kim replies, shaking his head. We've already got 28 million tonnes of ore out of here. »
« A project is already underway to place 600 tonnes of lead at the top of its foundations to prevent it from collapsing. »
« The North Sea, for example, receives about 700,000 tonnes of phosphates annually. These and other waters produce what scientists call eutrophication. »
« Cloud formations bring sand from the Sahara to the European snow, and it is only a tiny portion of the million tonnes a year that the Sahara transports to Europe. What a conclusion: there is no doubt that, these days, deserts are advancing far beyond their vague borders. »
« The Aral Sea is suffering terrible consequences. Ships are stranded on a sea of sand. Until a few years ago, the Aral Sea produced more than 50,000 tonnes of fish a year. Today, a large part of its fishing fleet is stranded in the desert. »
« Twenty-five tonnes of helium-3 can provide as much electricity as the United States consumes in an entire year. And that cargo fits into the holds of a space shuttle. »
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