6 sentences with 'bubbles'

Example sentences and phrases with the word bubbles and other words derived from it.

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« The substance has effervescence, the property of emitting bubbles. »

bubbles: The substance has effervescence, the property of emitting bubbles.
« The sky is full of white, fluffy clouds that look like giant bubbles. »

bubbles: The sky is full of white, fluffy clouds that look like giant bubbles.
« The next step of life was the encapsulation of RNA strips inside membranous bubbles, also formed spontaneously from fatty acid molecules. »
« Some floating plants, whose spongy tissues are endowed with air bubbles, do not have roots because they absorb water directly through their bodies. »
« The air bubbles visible when a block of ice is examined with the naked eye reveal ancient concentrations of pollutants, including two of the gases known as "greenhouse gases" for producing this disastrous ecological effect. »
« Incandescent matter rose to the surface in the form of bubbles. One of them ran into the African continent, the granite layer did not resist and gave way. India broke away and began its slow drift northwards, followed by a procession of younger and younger islands (Maldives, Seychelles, Mauritius, for example) until it reached the Pito de La Fournaise volcano, which is still active there. »

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