13 sentences with 'ancestors'

Example sentences and phrases with the word ancestors and other words derived from it.

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« Artists celebrated ancestors during a colorful festival of heritage and art. »
« Historians traced ancestors from dusty manuscripts along the famed Silk Road. »
« Scientists studied ancestors to understand ancient migration and genetic surprises. »
« Explorers followed ancestors who once journeyed into mysterious arctic territories. »
« The villagers honored their ancestors by celebrating a traditional harvest festival. »
« The archaeologist discovered a prehistoric site that shed light on the lives of our ancestors. »

ancestors: The archaeologist discovered a prehistoric site that shed light on the lives of our ancestors.
« Most of these titles were not the result of military conquests; they were places he had inherited from his ancestors. »
« On my birthdays, Dad would give me the talismans of my ancestors: my grandfather's glass syringes, a mercury thermometer that belonged to an uncle.... »
« The Arabs of the time were organised tribally, with tribes claiming descent from common ancestors and ruling through gatherings of the patriarchs of each clan. »
« It is worth noting that the 'discovery' of the Americas is a misnomer: millions of people already lived there, as their ancestors had done for thousands of years, but geography had left them ill-prepared for the arrival of the newcomers. »
« Some Eskimo legends refer to certain ancestors who transformed themselves into celestial stars; others speak of heroes who eternally dance in the northern lights, but the general belief is that most spirits went to a great underworld where life less blissful than on Earth continued. »
« Other conceptions of death come from New Guinea: there is an island of the dead from which the ancestors arrived in the form of twin sisters: the Morning Star and the Evening Star. It is said that they were gigantic, and their descendants - normal ones - returned to the original island when they died. »
« In the 17th century, the European nobility was divided between the "nobles of the sword", who inherited their titles from their warlike ancestors, and the "nobles of the mantle", who had been appointed by kings or had acquired titles. Both categories of nobles were far more likely to be landowners who exploited their peasants than warriors. »

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