6 sentences with 'mysteries'

Example sentences and phrases with the word mysteries and other words derived from it.

« Among all the speculations and legends about the past, few mysteries capture the attention of scientists and people in general more than the mythical lost continent known to this day as Atlantis. »
« Millions of years have passed, and the next century will come - everything indicates so - without humans having been able to explain the principles of life, let alone the mysteries of death. »
« The cults of Orpheus and Dionysus and the mysteries of Attis and Adonis share the same basis in legend: death and rebirth. »
« Researcher Frank Heppner has been analysing the mysteries of flock behaviour since he first saw the starling clouds along the New Jersey turnpike more than 15 years ago. He wondered if the birds followed the manoeuvres of a fixed leader. »
« As with the solution to many mysteries, we have had this one under our noses all along. »
« Saturn's sky has split in two. It seems that some mysterious artist has drawn a thin bright line, dividing the horizon vertically. But no, no mysteries, no drawings. That bright line we see in front of us is the edge of Saturn's rings, which barely cast their shadow to our left. »

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