10 sentences with 'travelled'

Example sentences and phrases with the word travelled and other words derived from it.

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« Amun-Ra, the sun god, travelled by day and by night. It was in the night hours, precisely, that he travelled to the other world or Tuat. »
« Likewise, the emperors, being all generals at this point, constantly travelled with their armies and held court wherever they had to while campaigning. »
« Philosophers travelled from all over the Greek world to learn and debate at the Academy, and it was a mark of tremendous intellectual prestige to study there. »
« During an ice age, humans travelled overland on the Bering land bridge, a piece of land that used to connect eastern Russia with Alaska, and reached the Americas. »
« Thales of Miletus travelled to Egypt and was able to measure the height of the pyramids (which were already thousands of years old) by the length of their shadows. »
« This is how it was described by all those who travelled through a tunnel, were dazzled by Buddha, set foot on Olympus or sat next to the prophet and, among other paradises, understood their karma. »
« Only the Sun God travelled the Tuat without risk: his successful rebirth was evident each morning with the rising of the Sun in the East. The followers of the Sun God held that the goal to achieve in the afterlife was to join the "solar crew" and accompany the Sun on his eternal journey. »
« Most importantly, Herodotus travelled and read sources that served as the basis for his conclusions. He did not simply sit in his hometown and theorise about things; he gathered an enormous amount of information about foreign lands and cultures and examined contemporary accounts of events. »
« The Phoenicians travelled further than any other ancient people; sometime around 600 BC, according to the Greek historian Herodotus, a Phoenician expedition even sailed around Africa in the course of three years (if that actually happened, it was an achievement that would not be reached again for nearly 2,000 years). »
« In addition, itinerant officials called the "eyes and ears of the king" travelled throughout the empire checking that the king's edicts were being carried out and that the conquered peoples were not being abused, and then reported back to the Persian capitals of Susa and Persepolis (both cities served as royal capitals). »

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