9 sentences with 'pyramids'

Example sentences and phrases with the word pyramids and other words derived from it.

« Almost as mysterious as the pharaohs who rest in their entrails, the Egyptian pyramids represent an enigma that has not yet been fully unravelled. »
« Theories associating the construction of Egypt's pyramids with extraterrestrial beings having been discarded, no one doubts that human endeavour was the sole god of these stone giants. »
« Unlike the Egyptian pyramids that came later, Mesopotamian ziggurats were not tombs, but temples, and as such were the centrepieces of great cities. »
« All of Egypt's pyramids were built during the Old Kingdom, and their purpose was to house the bodies of kings so that their spirits could travel to the land of the dead and join their fellow gods in the afterlife (thus maintaining maat - sacred order and balance). »
« The pyramids are justly famous as the ultimate example of Egyptian prosperity and ingenuity. »
« Around 2200 BC, two hundred years after the last pyramids were built, the Old Kingdom collapsed, giving rise to the First Intermediate Period. The reason for the collapse is unclear, but it probably had to do with the very rare occurrence of droughts. »
« Thales of Miletus travelled to Egypt and was able to measure the height of the pyramids (which were already thousands of years old) by the length of their shadows. »
« We arrived in Cairo. We immediately went to see the pyramids and to walk the corridors of the pyramid of Cheops until we reached the burial chamber, with a surprised and excited spirit. »
« The man was born around 3300 B.C. Long before Moses led his people to Mount Sinai, before Buddha and Mohammed lived, and before the great pyramids were built. »

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