6 sentences with 'astronomical'

Example sentences and phrases with the word astronomical and other words derived from it.

« The Greeks were the first to have an astronomical observatory. It was - it is, as it still exists - the Tower of the Winds, and was first used around 100 BC by the Athenian astronomer Andronicus of Cyrrhus. »
« Copernicus' theory was little known outside of astronomical circles, with most astronomers expressing dismay and scepticism at the idea of heliocentrism. »
« Did the Aztecs have astronomical knowledge superior to the European peoples of their time? »
« The Aztec stone calendar is based on a very complicated astronomical and mathematical system that has been deciphered. »
« People's memory and computational capacity have become too small to store and process the astronomical amounts of data in circulation in the economy. Faced with this tidal wave of figures, our brains are as well placed as a one-armed man to shuffle the simultaneous balls of an army of Sabatini, Graffs and Navratilovas. »
« Surrounded by farms that depended on primitive agriculture, they built the city-states of Copan, Tikal and Chichen Itza along their main trade routes, as well as temples, statues of gods, pyramids and astronomical observatories. »
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