6 sentences with 'grouped'

Example sentences and phrases with the word grouped and other words derived from it.

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« Minerals can be grouped into fuels, rocks, metals and others (such as salt and sulphur). »
« Chromosomes are grouped in pairs and their number is constant for each animal or plant species. »
« There are currently 500 active volcanoes in the world, grouped in chains and following the great dislocation lines of the earth's crust. »
« The first acts of the congress showed their decision to declare the country's independence as soon as possible, as was the wish of the patriots grouped in the Logia Lautaro, and to constitute and organise the new nation. »
« From the perspective of the Catholic hierarchy, these new denominations, grouped under the category of "Protestant", were nothing more and nothing less than new heresies, sinful breaks with the correct and orthodox beliefs and practices of the Church. »
« The natives of the city were grouped into three battalions of Patricios, one of them under the command of Cornelio Saavedra; those from the northern provinces into those of Arribeños; the coloureds into those of Pardos and Morenos; the countrymen into three squadrons of Hussars, with Juan Martín de Pueyrredón as the leader of one of them. For their part, the European Spaniards were divided into Galicians, Catalans, Andalusians, Asturians, Vizcainos, etc., according to their place of birth. »

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