6 sentences with 'occurring'

Example sentences and phrases with the word occurring and other words derived from it.

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« Metabolism is the set of chemical processes occurring in the body that result in growth, energy production and waste disposal. »
« Caffeine is an alkaloid, a naturally occurring drug that acts as a powerful central nervous system stimulant. It is present in tea, coffee and cola. »
« Ironically, the Reformation as the destruction of Christian unity was at least in part the product of prosaic reforms that were already occurring within the Church. »
« Could we be destroyed by the expanding fireballs of other spontaneously occurring Big Bangs near us? No. Once born, these new universes would cease to interact with ours. »
« Only two years after the defeat of the Huns, the Vandals sailed from Africa in 455 and again sacked Rome. This sacking, despite occurring with relatively little carnage, led to the word "Vandal" being used to refer to a malicious destroyer of property. »
« One place in Europe during the interwar period stands out as a microcosm of the political and cultural struggles occurring elsewhere: Weimar Germany. Named after the spa town where its constitution was drafted in early 1919, the Weimar Republic represented a triumphant culmination of liberalism. »

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