14 sentences with 'aerobic'

Example sentences and phrases with the word aerobic and other words derived from it.

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« Our team won a match after an intense aerobic warm-up. »
« Maria organized an aerobic session at the local park yesterday. »
« He practices aerobic exercises every morning for improved health. »
« The coach instructed us to perform aerobic drills during practice. »
« They enjoy aerobic dancing during community fitness classes on weekends. »
« Running and brisk walking are the most obvious aerobic activities. »
« Mountaineering is a sport which, although it provides great aerobic capacity, requires prior training for both recovery and tolerance to heights. »
« Circuit training consists of a series of resistance exercises interspersed with aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling or stair climbing. »
« Although rowing is one of the aerobic activities par excellence, however, at a competitive level it can produce hypertrophy of the myocardium (heart muscle). »
« If exercise soon bores you... try combining different physical activities, such as aerobic dance and swimming. These combinations also reduce the risk of injury. »
« Practice this program three to five times a week, and add at least 20 minutes of aerobic activity - such as walking, running or cycling - also three to five times a week. »
« The first step is walking. It is advisable to start with an aerobic activity, either walking or cycling: no more than twenty minutes at a time and increasing by two minutes per week. »
« While half an hour a day of aerobic exercise - brisk walking, jogging, running, swimming or cycling - will produce optimal results, even a moderate exercise programme will be beneficial. »
« In this new situation, some large, slow and obsolete cells found advantages in allowing themselves to be parasitised by smaller but aerobic, and therefore hyperactive, cells. The invaders secured their dinner, but the invaded cells enjoyed, in return, such a bestial surplus of energy that they ended up adopting the manic dwarfs as an integral part of their own organisms: mitochondria were born. »

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