6 sentences with 'severed'

Example sentences and phrases with the word severed and other words derived from it.

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« As his right arm brushed against the broken windscreen frame, he had severed a nerve. »
« The Irish Free State severed its remaining ties with England in 1937 and adopted the ancient Celtic name Eire. »
« Generally, surgeons severed the two bands of nerve fibers in the penis to remove the prostate; impotence was the inevitable result. »
« The Pankhursts soon severed their links with the Labour Party and working class activists and began a campaign of direct action under the slogan "deeds not words". »
« Workplace injuries were also common. Workers' hands and fingers were mutilated or severed when they were caught in the machines; in some cases, their limbs or entire bodies were crushed. »
« On the cultural front, the English monarchy and nobility severed their ties with France and English high culture began to consciously reconfigure itself as distinctly English rather than French, leading, among other things, to the first use of the English language as the language of state and law. »

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