7 sentences with 'amounts'

Example sentences and phrases with the word amounts and other words derived from it.

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« Foods with adequate amounts of starches and fibre should be incorporated into the diet. »
« Riding their swift horses and camels and dedicated to their cause, the Arab armies conquered vast amounts of territory very quickly. »
« I knew that a northeast storm, which blew hard for three days, had deposited huge amounts of white sand along the eastern beach, making it a perfect place to camp. »
« In the process, states were forced to raise enormous amounts of revenue to cover the costs of weapons, mercenaries and new fortifications. This was an extremely costly undertaking. »
« Also, despite having conquered large amounts of Byzantine territory, Constantinople itself withstood a massive siege in 718 and Byzantine forces pushed back Arab forces in Anatolia. »
« However, the United States was an ally of Britain and provided military and civilian supplies to the British, along with large amounts of low-interest loans to keep the British economy afloat. »
« Dr Arthur Klatsky, a cardiologist, has reported that among people who consume small or moderate amounts (no more than two glasses a day) of alcoholic beverages, the incidence of coronary heart disease is lower. »

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