8 sentences with 'difficulty'

Example sentences and phrases with the word difficulty and other words derived from it.

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« Family cohesion is strengthened in times of difficulty. »

difficulty: Family cohesion is strengthened in times of difficulty.
« Babies often have difficulty producing bilabial sounds at the beginning of their language development. »

difficulty: Babies often have difficulty producing bilabial sounds at the beginning of their language development.
« If you are still having difficulty continuing your program, try to minimize your expectations. »
« It was cancer, too, that deformed his body: Mr Mack walks with difficulty, his spine battered by 27 cobalt radiation treatments. »
« Only the Russian invasion had prevented Hungary from achieving independence, and the Italian uprisings against Austria had only been contained with great difficulty. »
« Moreover, despite the inherent difficulty of publishing against the backdrop of censorship, philosophers did much to see that organised religion itself was undermined. »
« The difficulty of practising free association exposed the mechanisms of repression of memories and feelings; in Freud's view, this had much to do with the repression of the sexual drive, or libido. »
« The difficulty with considering these special cases, however, is that they may overlook the fact that the vast majority of women were in a powerless social space, considered as a social necessity that existed in order to have children. »

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