4 sentences with 'hypothalamus'

Example sentences and phrases with the word hypothalamus and other words derived from it.

« The hypothalamus is the region of the brain at the base of the brain, which indirectly controls hunger, thirst, sleep and various other functions, in close relation to the pituitary gland. »
« When activated by adrenaline and noradrenaline - substances regulated by the hypothalamus - beta adrenergic receptors could end weight problems and may even be suitable for diabetes treatments. »
« It should not be forgotten that the brain's hypothalamus is - within the area known as the "forebrain" - a vital link in the circuitry that regulates emotional and motivational processes; it is also involved in the regulation of hunger, thirst, sexuality and aggression. »
« the secretion of both substances is controlled by the hypothalamus, which is the area of the nervous system that is of great importance in the regulation of vegetative and emotional life, is involved in functions related to sexuality, fluid exchange and, not coincidentally, nutrition. »

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