6 sentences with 'enriched'

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« This contact and trade enriched the Arab economy and led to a high degree of tactical sophistication among Arab soldiers. »
« It was to be many more centuries before the dishes of mankind would begin to be enriched with fragrant spices; eventually, salt would be added. »
« This process dramatically enriched the soil by returning nutrients directly to it with the legumes or at least allowing it to recover naturally while fallow. »
« The money thus accumulated has enriched the prize fund, which began with Alfred Nobel's bequest of more than $9 million; through good investments, it has grown to more than $267 million. »
« With Milton H. Erickson, who died in 1980, hypnotherapy (hypnosis therapy) was enriched with new ways of verbal and non-verbal communication; this therapist discovered much more natural ways of inducing the hypnotic state. »
« The important effect of these reconquests was trade; once again, Byzantium was at the centre of an international trade network that stretched across Europe and the Middle East. This greatly enriched Constantinople and its region, leading to a renaissance in construction and art. »

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