7 sentences with 'pronounced'

Example sentences and phrases with the word pronounced and other words derived from it.

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« The knight pronounced his oath of loyalty to the king. »

pronounced: The knight pronounced his oath of loyalty to the king.
« Everyone pronounced his name with veneration, even other doctors, albeit with a tinge of envy. »
« When Dr. Boone pronounced him in perfect health, Mike asked him if he could jump over a freight train again. »
« "Gentlemen of the jury," he pronounced solemnly, addressing himself, "I ask the death penalty for that horrible person." »
« Christianity was (and still is, although the enmity between the different groups is much less pronounced in the modern era) divided as follows: »
« Claudius had survived the palace intrigues because he walked with a limp and spoke with a pronounced stammer; he was considered a simpleton, whereas he was actually very intelligent. »
« Although exact numbers will never be known, not least because surviving sources have a pronounced anti-Viking bias, it is clear that their raids were on a scale that dwarfed their earlier efforts. »

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