7 sentences with 'demands'

Example sentences and phrases with the word demands and other words derived from it.

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« The unstoppable advance of technology demands careful reflection from us. »

demands: The unstoppable advance of technology demands careful reflection from us.
« In turn, the rights of man fuelled both demands for political reform and helped inspire the vigorous abolitionist (anti-slavery) movement that flourished in Britain in particular. »
« Still, England was at peace and James I avoided making demands that would provoke serious resistance. While members of parliament complained about his rule, there was no sign of royal rebellion. »
« Similarly, in the Centenary Assembly, the rich classes had the legal right to vote more than the poor classes - the equites and patricians often worked together against the demands of the poor classes. »
« Ivan IV The Terrible had entire noble families slaughtered when he thought they posed a threat to his authority or were simply slow to respond to his demands that they serve him personally at his court. »
« Unfortunately, today's man demands little activity from his body; he gladly accepts all the conveniences of modern life - from lifts to go up and down floors to cars to get from one place to another - and does not realise that what he gains in comfort he loses in health. »
« His demands for free labour from the Hebrew people amounted to one day out of every three spent working on palaces and royal construction projects - an enormous amount from a contemporary perspective, but one that was at least comparable to the redistributive economies of nearby kingdoms. »

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