10 sentences with 'burned'

Example sentences and phrases with the word burned and other words derived from it.

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« The light bulb burned out and we need to buy a new one. »

burned: The light bulb burned out and we need to buy a new one.
« The flame that burned in the hearth was slowly dying out. »

burned: The flame that burned in the hearth was slowly dying out.
« My little brother burned himself with hot water while playing in the kitchen. »

burned: My little brother burned himself with hot water while playing in the kitchen.
« The spicy flavor of the curry burned my mouth as I tasted Indian food for the first time. »

burned: The spicy flavor of the curry burned my mouth as I tasted Indian food for the first time.
« The agent then burned the authentic copies. »
« The Babylonians burned Jerusalem, along with Solomon's Temple, to the ground, and enslaved tens of thousands of Jews. »
« The girl was curled upside down and most of her hair was burned off. A thick, blackish scab, full of ugly cracks, covered her back and scalp. »
« One day, while working in his laboratory, he burned his hand; he immediately dipped it in a container filled with pure lavender oil (healing). »
« The American historian Howard Raymond claims that the last evidence burned along with the library of Alexandria, a cultural genocide perpetrated - according to him - by the Romans. »
« In 64 CE, a huge fire almost destroyed the city, which was largely built of wood. This gave rise to the legend of Nero "playing his fiddle while Rome burned" - in fact, after the fire Nero had shelters built for the homeless and set about rebuilding the half of the city that had been destroyed, using concrete buildings and grid streets. »

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