7 sentences with 'disciples'

Example sentences and phrases with the word disciples and other words derived from it.

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« The apostle Andrew was one of the first disciples of Jesus. »

disciples: The apostle Andrew was one of the first disciples of Jesus.
« The disciples of the German doctor did not stop and continued to experiment. »
« "One of my disciples made a comment that I like very much: God never gave up on anyone". »
« The monk taught this discipline to his disciples in Beijing and also to those in Hu-pei province. He also founded schools that helped to spread his technique through the centuries. »
« Some disciples disagreed with the role Freud attributed to instinctive behaviour, which gave rise to the heterodoxies led by figures of the stature of Carl Jung, Otto Rank and Alfred Adler. »
« They had no disciples, and one of the aims of Plotkin's visit was to urge the tribal leaders to assign a young man the task of recording this knowledge before it was lost, an idea he called the 'sorcerer's apprentice programme'. »
« The disciples of the Indian Dinshah Ghadiali would say that while not everything is pink, certain shades can help to combat certain illnesses. So it was that in the 1930s Ghadiali proclaimed to all of India that he could cure any kind of disease by exposing patients to a simple coloured light. »

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