7 sentences with 'bare'

Example sentences and phrases with the word bare and other words derived from it.

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« Months passed... the trees became bare. »
« Although by 13 October the trees were almost bare of leaves, the sky was bright and the air felt fresh and invigorating. »
« It was cold in the room because the heating was not yet turned on, and the floor was nothing but bare sheets of plywood. »
« The corpse's bald head, bare shoulders and upper half of its back were visible, but the rest of the body was trapped in the ice. »
« Gretchen's father placed the urn on the ground at the foot of the birch, while the wind passed almost noiselessly through the bare branches. »
« Excessive rainfall which "washes" the soil and deprives it of nutrients, leaving the roots bare and without the means to nourish and support the plant. »
« Like all the crew, he was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, his bare arms numb from the icy wind that made breathing difficult. You can't let go, he said to himself. Think of Tim's family. But he was rapidly losing feeling in his arms, and he shouted to the others, "I can't take it anymore!" »

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