10 sentences with 'moths'

Example sentences and phrases with the word moths and other words derived from it.

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« Gardeners feed birds that hunt moths at dusk. »
« Artists capture moths dancing under the old street lamp. »
« The curious cat chases moths near the blooming rose bush. »
« Farmers observe moths invading their stored produce at night. »
« Children admire moths displayed in the natural science exhibit. »
« However, some moths have evolved sensory and behavioural systems that sometimes save them from being mere flying canapés for bats. »
« Domestic animals, which can transmit different diseases. Also insects such as cockroaches, moths and ants bring microbes into the home. »
« Some moths defend themselves with silence, like the mob. A fly, a beetle, a mosquito are tough, noisy flying things that the deafest bat hunts by ear, without even bothering to echolocate. »
« On several occasions I had found bees or moths trapped on the porch, and I had always caught them and then let them go. But this moth was a colour I had never seen before: pink, completely pink. »
« But certain moths have coated themselves with an enormously soft, sound-deadening surface hair, which absorbs not only the aerodynamic turbulence of flight but also mitigates the enemy's probing ultrasonic pulses. »

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