7 sentences with 'siblings'

Example sentences and phrases with the word siblings and other words derived from it.

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« She had great fun playing with her siblings. »
« My Aunt Laurie, the youngest of seven siblings, is only a little older than several of her nieces and nephews. »
« Because of his traumatic experience, as well as his sensitive nature, he has become the guardian of his younger siblings. »
« When she would go on bike rides with her siblings, she would burst into loud chants of "You Are My Sunshine" to embarrass them. »
« She doesn't know my daughter, thought Lori, who had noticed how intensely her daughter watched her siblings as they ran around the house. »
« Ms. Perez was in the fifth grade when she returned home one day to find her mother and her four siblings sitting in the street. They had been thrown out. »
« Once all her siblings were safe, Rona grabbed a plastic bucket, ran to a nearby stream and returned to the house to throw water on the flames again and again. Finally she could take no more, and collapsed face down on the smouldering, smouldering rubble. »

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