5 sentences with 'traps'

Example sentences and phrases with the word traps and other words derived from it.

« The next day, as we approach one of the traps, my heart skips a beat: a black figure fills it completely. »
« The commons provided firewood, grazing land and some limited small animal traps, which together served as a vital "safety net" for peasants living on the edge of subsistence. »
« Nineteenth-century scientific advances also lent themselves directly to European power, most obviously in the sense that modern medicine enabled European soldiers and administrators to survive in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa that had been death traps for them in the past due to the prevalence of tropical diseases. »
« The digestive apparatus of carnivorous plants is an impressive machine made up of relentless traps which, after seducing their prey, catch and swallow them. »
« The hunting mechanism of these plant species consists in the operation of masterly traps such as the funeral urns of Nepentaceae, the wolf's foot of Dionaea, the basket of Genlisea, the coloured hooks of Darlingtonia (or Liz Cobra), the flypaper of Drosera, the constricting filaments or adhesive papillae of aquatic fungi of the Zoophagus type. »

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