8 sentences with 'cosmic'

Example sentences and phrases with the word cosmic and other words derived from it.

« The flowing energy, the cosmic intelligence that nourishes man's universe, the union with nature and the harnessing of its invisible forces - notions that are not easy to understand in the Western world - make up the legacy of the millenary East to today's medicine. »
« -I'm sorry I'm late," she says, "I was held up by the heavy London traffic. -And he adds, laughing, "This must have some cosmic significance. »
« Black holes are objects that exert such a strong gravitational pull that nothing - not even light, which travels at 300,000 kilometres per second - can escape their influence. Hawking got to thinking: how did the singularity - the cosmic egg - emerge from the centre of a black hole? »
« He predicted the existence of tiny subatomic black holes, which would lose matter faster than they could absorb traces of gas, stars and cosmic dust. After a sufficiently long period of time - perhaps »
« Please do not touch the cosmic dust, nor try to take home any particles from the Saturnian rings. We try not to alter the composition of the planet, because of the possibility of causing irreparable catastrophes in the whole solar system. Thank you for your understanding. »
« Unlike the rings we saw so closely on Saturn, which resemble glowing highways of cosmic dust drawn around the planet, Uranus' rings are much darker and narrower and are separated by wide empty spaces. »
« When the Earth formed, it lost almost all of its hydrogen and helium, the building blocks of the universe. The interaction of cosmic rays with the few atoms of carbon, sulphur, nitrogen and a few others resulted in the breaking of their molecular chemical bonds. These molecules, once "divorced" from each other, collided to form new molecules, such as hydrogen cyanide, ammonia and water. »
« Neutrinos - uncharged particles that pass through everything - also have the ability to disintegrate protons, as do cosmic rays that streak through space full of strange radiation. Both are emitted by furious stellar reactions, novae, supernovae and neutron stars. The three particles into which an atom is reduced when collided by these sidereal intruders are similar to the remains of a defunct proton. »

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