6 sentences with 'investigated'

Example sentences and phrases with the word investigated and other words derived from it.

« The Chinese Shen Nong investigated more than one hundred exotic plants and for the discoveries he made he was called the King of Remedies. »
« In all the cases investigated, either the van's exhaust system was leaking, or the exhaust pipe was under the rear bumper. With the vehicle running, a natural vacuum drew the carbon monoxide up through the stall door or through the gap between the floor and the exhaust pipe. »
« After the call, the lawyer got the file on the girl's death, and visited Sergeant Jones, a police officer who had investigated the strange case 15 years earlier. »
« Jimmy Coates was also investigated, but no evidence was found that he had participated in the plot. In addition, he was already in prison, serving a sentence for robbery. »
« If the medium is balanced, the aquarium water remains clean. If this is not the case, the causes should be investigated (lack or excess of plants, excess of animals or incompatible species, lack or excess of sunlight, inadequate temperature, excess or lack of food, etc.). »
« All the materials we have investigated are minerals that are extracted from the deep layers of the earth's crust as well as from the surface of the ground. The former include coal and oil; the latter include sand and salt. »
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