7 sentences with 'impulses'

Example sentences and phrases with the word impulses and other words derived from it.

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« One of Ford's happiest impulses was the creation of Greenfield Village, in Dearborn. »
« Like Frederick of Prussia, Catherine the Great's appreciation of 'reason' had nothing to do with democratic impulses. »
« The speed of the impulses is the determining factor for the brain to recognise, interpret and command the corresponding action. »
« When you think of something, hundreds of electrochemical impulses have just been generated in your brain, which have made available to you a huge store of memories: »
« He came to regard Ford's virtues and moral impulses as "of the noblest and highest I have ever known, gathered in one man." However, he also noticed the flip side of the coin: the fits of anger, the jealousy, the intrigues. »
« The brain's neurons, which are non-renewable cells, are responsible for transmitting the chemical-electrical impulses that the act of thinking involves: dendrites and axons, the nerve endings of neurons, communicate these impulses - called synapses - with a speed that is impossible to define. »
« Ultimately, according to Freud, the only aspect of the human psyche of which the mind is directly aware is the 'Ego': the conscious mind in conflict, forced to reconcile the impulses of the Id and the Superego with the 'reality principle', the knowledge that to give in completely to one's impulses would be to risk injury or death. »

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