11 sentences with 'cutting'

Example sentences and phrases with the word cutting and other words derived from it.

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« When cutting the branch, a little sap dripped to the ground. »

cutting: When cutting the branch, a little sap dripped to the ground.
« The kitchen table is a tool used for cutting and preparing food. »

cutting: The kitchen table is a tool used for cutting and preparing food.
« My lumberjack grandfather is always cutting tree trunks in the garden. »

cutting: My lumberjack grandfather is always cutting tree trunks in the garden.
« This comes at a time when the nations of the West are cutting their defence spending. »
« Henry set about cutting logs with his steam engines, and soon there was a little log house on the place. »
« The Byzantine empire was in such disarray at the time that the Persians seized Syria, Lebanon and Egypt, cutting off much of the food supply to Constantinople. »
« European civilisation was powerful and self-confident before the First World War, owning more than 80% of the planet and at the cutting edge of science and technology. »
« A rough diamond loses up to half of its weight during cutting. Cutters must decide which of the eight normal shapes the stone should have, or whether it deserves a special cut. »
« In the stone cutting room, Leo Smans, the workshop manager, and his staff assess the stones selected for jewellery and determine how to cut them to make the most of their qualities. »
« A brilliant Roman general named Scipio defeated Carthaginian forces in Spain in 207 BCE, cutting off Hannibal from both reinforcements and supplies, which significantly weakened his army. »
« In turn, inspired by liberal economic theories, governments adopted austerity policies, cutting already limited social programmes, balancing state budgets and slashing spending. The result was that even less capital was available in the private sector. »

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