5 sentences with 'silently'

Example sentences and phrases with the word silently and other words derived from it.

« On the way to the hospital, he wept silently, unable to believe he was alive. »
« As they climbed the steps to the main entrance, Carla wiped away her tears and silently pleaded: Please, God, don't let my child suffer. »
« The words of St. Basil, the 4th century Greek Patriarch, echo clearly in my mind: "Art silently shows in pictures what the word refers to the ear". »
« My classmates and I walked silently in the shadows of the monument's 36 marble columns, representing each state of the Union that Lincoln had worked so hard to preserve. »
« If you look to the right, you will see that a single gigantic eye is silently watching us. It looks like that of the Cyclops that Ulysses blinded so that he could continue his journey. But don't panic, we won't have to blind any monsters; this is Mimas, one of Saturn's large moons, an icy ball 390 kilometres across. »

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