6 sentences with 'resulted'

Example sentences and phrases with the word resulted and other words derived from it.

« This resulted in reports that led to six of the murders being solved. »
« The bloodbath that followed resulted in approximately 55 million deaths, including the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and at least 25 million citizens of the Soviet Union, another "racial" enemy from the Nazis' perspective. »
« While his descendants did their best to hold on to power, the resentment of the subjugated cities eventually resulted in the collapse of the empire. »
« The early Spartan conquests of their region of Greece had resulted in a large area under their control, populated by non-Spartan people. Instead of extending any kind of political representation to these subjects, the Spartans maintained absolute control over them, even the right to kill them at will without legal consequences. »
« Another uprising decades later (between 132 and 136 CE) resulted in the almost complete dispersion of the Jews, to the point that the Jewish homeland was effectively lost to them until the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948 CE. »
« The Crusades resulted in a change in the identity of Latin Christianity, great financial benefits for certain parts of Europe, and many instances of horrific butchery. »

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