12 sentences with 'inspired'

Example sentences and phrases with the word inspired and other words derived from it.

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« While painting a picture, he was inspired by the beauty of the landscape. »

inspired: While painting a picture, he was inspired by the beauty of the landscape.
« The Independence Day parade inspired a great sense of patriotism in everyone. »

inspired: The Independence Day parade inspired a great sense of patriotism in everyone.
« From my window, I see the flag waving proudly. Its beauty and meaning have always inspired me. »

inspired: From my window, I see the flag waving proudly. Its beauty and meaning have always inspired me.
« Ford was an inspired composer, an original American, a legendary hero whose "car for the people" put the world on wheels. »
« Christianity obviously played a very important role in the history of Western civilisation. It inspired incredible art and music. »
« Therefore, inspired by homeopathy, he began to produce flower remedies, which he believed could restore harmony to the body and mind. »
« In almost every major battle, Alexander the Great personally led the cavalry, a quality that inspired loyalty and confidence in his men. »
« The steam engine that had inspired Henry as a boy had been a farm engine ... and a farm engine also induced him to forget Detroit for some time. »
« The scientific discoveries of the Renaissance were inspired by the same spirit of enquiry that Greek scientists and Roman engineers had cultivated. »
« The American kinesiologist Eunice Ingham was inspired by these principles to create a massage that stimulates these body points and supposedly works on the organs. »
« The confusion about whether the Musketeers really existed is due to the fact that, like many writers, Dumas was inspired by historical figures to create the characters in the novel. »
« One of these pieces inspired Manrique's "rusty devil" statue. Today, this piece stands at the entrance and on the outer limits of Timanfaya National Park, as a symbol of the protected area, which covers more than 50 square kilometers. »

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