6 sentences with 'shrink'

Example sentences and phrases with the word shrink and other words derived from it.

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« His shyness seemed to shrink him in social gatherings. »

shrink: His shyness seemed to shrink him in social gatherings.
« Have you noticed that... tight clothes shrink in the wash, while baggy clothes get bigger? »
« One doctor asked why they had not radiated the patient from the beginning, perhaps that would shrink her tumor. »
« He discovered that a black hole can not only shrink; it can also emit energetic particles generated in its intense gravitational field. »
« But Sarah did not die. The tumor began to shrink on its own, and over the next three years the little girl surprised everyone by developing normally. »
« It was believed that nothing can escape black holes, not even light (hence the adjective "black"), and Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity stated that their area cannot shrink. But by mentally formulating equation after equation, and incorporating the rules of quantum physics into them, Hawking came up with extraordinary results again and again. »

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