4 sentences with 'predictions'

Example sentences and phrases with the word predictions and other words derived from it.

« It's not possible to make predictions; best to nurture hope. »
« Ultimately, Ho Chi Minh was proved right in his predictions of war. American and South Vietnamese forces were fought to a standstill by the Viet Minh and Viet Cong, with neither side winning a definitive victory. »
« Montezuma also had dreams and premonitions of impending disaster. These predictions were recorded after the destruction of the Aztecs. However, they give us an idea of the importance of signs and omens in the pre-Columbian world. »
« As it turned out, Fukuyama's predictions were true for some of the former members of the Eastern Bloc: East and West Germany reunified, and Eastern European countries in general, from Romania to the newly independent and separate Slovakia and the Czech Republic, elected democratic governments and sought to join the Western capitalist economies. »

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