7 sentences with 'ambitious'

Example sentences and phrases with the word ambitious and other words derived from it.

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« The ambitious businesswoman sat at the conference table, ready to present her master plan to a group of international investors. »

ambitious: The ambitious businesswoman sat at the conference table, ready to present her master plan to a group of international investors.
« But the young Epstein proved to be an ambitious and daring learner. »
« The state concentrated on highly ambitious, sometimes surprisingly impractical economic projects. »
« In time, local elites were integrated into the governor's office and ambitious people made sure their children learned Latin. »
« Sultan Selim was equal parts ambitious and pragmatic and proved to be a skilful politician and an effective military commander. »
« The entire army of Britain left in 407 AD, when another ambitious general tried to seize the imperial throne, and Roman power there quickly collapsed. »
« However, Austria stood in the way of Serbian ambition, as Austria controlled neighbouring Bosnia (where many Serbs lived as a significant minority of the population). Thus, the last thing Austrian politicians wanted was an anti-Austrian movement launched by ambitious Serbs. »

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