6 sentences with 'rare'

Example sentences and phrases with the word rare and other words derived from it.

« He agreed that it was a rare occurrence and then took a blood sample to measure the concentration of PSA. »
« "It's terrible the mortality of rare birds," Carlos observes, "but usually the population recovers with the survivors." »
« She explained that young pianists who made it as concert pianists were as rare as the skaters chosen to compete in the Olympics; that they were dropping thousands in local, state and national competitions. »
« This systematic diagnostic "line", rare then, is today's bread and butter. »
« A very rare pathology is that of the man who seriously injured his wife in Canada during sleep and was found not guilty: he suffered from REM without loss of muscle tone; he acted out the images he dreamt. »
« It was rare that the incentive implicit in these words did not have an effect. »

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