7 sentences with 'gin'

Example sentences and phrases with the word gin and other words derived from it.

« The cotton gin allowed a slave to remove the seeds from fifty pounds of cotton per day, compared to one pound if done by hand. »
« One of the most influential advances of the early 19th century was the cotton gin, invented by Eli Whitney and patented in 1794. »
« In 1793, Eli Whitney revolutionised cotton production when he invented the cotton gin, a device that separated the seeds from the raw cotton. »
« The slaves' day did not end after picking the cotton; once it was taken to the gin house to be weighed, they had to care for the animals and perform other tasks. »
« Without adequate roads or other means of transporting a bulky grain crop, these farmers distilled their grain into gin and whiskey, which were more profitable to transport. »
« The seeded raw cotton was placed in the cotton gin and, with the use of a hand crank, the seeds were extracted through a carding device that aligned the cotton fibres into strands for spinning. »
« Whitney, who was born in Massachusetts, had spent time in the South and knew that a device to speed up cotton production was desperately needed so that cotton farmers could meet the growing demand for their crop. He hoped the cotton gin would make slavery obsolete. »

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