8 sentences with 'bringing'

Example sentences and phrases with the word bringing and other words derived from it.

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« The letter "b" is a bilabial sound produced by bringing the lips together. »

bringing: The letter "b" is a bilabial sound produced by bringing the lips together.
« The seasons change successively, bringing with them different colors and climates. »

bringing: The seasons change successively, bringing with them different colors and climates.
« I thank God for bringing us together. »
« Stimulating certain areas of the brain intensifies the memory, bringing back distant memories. »
« The pharaohs adopted the practice of bringing back to Egypt many foreign princes from the lands they had conquered. »
« The city of Constantinople grew to become one of the great cities of late antiquity and the Middle Ages, fuelled by grain from Egypt and bringing enormous wealth through trade. »
« There was a parallel here with the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, who also (during their expansionist phase during the New Kingdom) claimed to be bringing order to a chaotic world at the end of a sword. »
« But there are other substances that are decisive in bringing into action this nervous system that distinguishes us from other animals. Suffice it to mention serotonin, which plays a major role in sensory perception, thermoregulation and sleep initiation. »

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