6 sentences with 'pursuit'

Example sentences and phrases with the word pursuit and other words derived from it.

« Initially, my motivation for going to Afghanistan was the pursuit of danger; we press photographers are always on the hunt for wars. »
« Gigi Piccolo, whose father was a cook, decided as a child to dedicate his life to the pursuit of culinary perfection with a few basic ingredients: flour, water, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese. »
« Fear of embarrassment was an inherent part of the pursuit of excellence; Greek competitions (in everything from athletics to poetry) had no second-place winners, and losers were openly mocked after the competitions. »
« The war was a terrible tragedy, Thucydides wrote, because Athens became so power-hungry that it sacrificed its own greatness in the pursuit of more power and wealth. »
« As early as the 1460s, the printing press introduced disruptive ideas in the form of the next best-seller to follow the Bible itself, a work advocating the pursuit of salvation without reference to the Church entitled The Imitation of Christ. »
« The pursuit of profit was nothing new, but the political power enjoyed by merchants, the political focus on overseas expansion for profit, and the laws enacted to encourage these processes were new. »

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