10 sentences with 'launched'

Example sentences and phrases with the word launched and other words derived from it.

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« The rocket successfully launched at dawn. »

launched: The rocket successfully launched at dawn.
« The communications satellite was successfully launched yesterday. »

launched: The communications satellite was successfully launched yesterday.
« Taiwan has launched a $300 billion six-year plan to build highways, subways and power plants. »
« Eventually, the Romans altered their tactics and launched a guerrilla war against Hannibal inside Italy, harassing his forces. »
« In 1995 the police launched an anti-gun campaign and stationed 42 officers in a high-crime area normally policed by four; they confiscated 202 guns and made 94 arrests. »
« A general (then stationed in Britain) named Constantine, son of the Tetrarch Constantius, launched a military campaign to reunite Rome under his sole rule. By 312 AD he had succeeded, claiming full control and appointing no co-emperor. »
« Although he was never able to force all his subjects to conform to Christian orthodoxy (especially in rural regions far from the capital), Emperor Justinian launched a series of attacks and persecution campaigns against heretical sects. »
« In 43 BCE they took control in Rome and then launched a successful campaign against the old Republican loyalists, killing the men who had killed Caesar and assassinating the strongest senators and elites who had tried to restore the old institutions. »
« In 218 BC, the great Carthaginian general Hannibal (son of the most successful general who had fought the Romans in the First Punic War) launched a surprise attack in Spain against the Roman allies and then against the Roman forces themselves. This led to the Second Punic War (218 BCE - 202 BCE). »
« In 1352 they seized control of a key fortress near Constantinople, and from there launched an impressive series of invasions into Greece and the Balkans. In the process, Byzantium was reduced to a pitiful fragment of its former glory, clinging to the city of Constantinople and its hinterlands, but otherwise surrounded by Ottoman territories. »

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