2 sentences with 'grenadier'

Example sentences and phrases with the word grenadier and other words derived from it.

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« Once the fight was locked in a shrapnel shot killed the horse that San Martin was riding, who was in grave danger as he was unable to free himself from the animal. In such difficult moments he was helped by the grenadier Juan Bautista Cabral, who was badly wounded and died shortly afterwards. »
« The Federals launched a combined plan of action. While Facundo Quiroga overthrew the Unitarian governors of San Luis and Mendoza, the caudillo Felipe Ibarra did the same with Santiago del Estero. Córdoba was invaded from Santa Fe by the brothers Francisco and Guillermo Reinafé, while from Buenos Aires it was Ángel Pacheco, who defeated Juan Esteban Pedernera in Fraile Muerto -today the city of Bell Ville- (both had been grenadier officers of San Martín). »

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