5 sentences with 'outset'

Example sentences and phrases with the word outset and other words derived from it.

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« From the outset San Martin tried to have a government formed by Peruvians elected, as had been done in Chile, but the existing internal divisions did not make this possible and he was obliged to accept political command with the title of Protector of Peru. »
« The debate on nationalism begins with the French Revolution, because more than any other event, it was the model for all subsequent nationalisms. The French revolutionaries declared from the outset that they represented the whole "nation", not just a particular part of it. »
« From the outset, it was thought that the new rulers in Buenos Aires would meet with resistance in Upper Peru, Paraguay and Montevideo, not so much because they supported the deposed viceroy as because they did not accept the predominance of Buenos Aires. This had been foreseen as early as 25 May 1810, when it was proposed that a military expedition be sent to the interior provinces. »
« From the outset, the federal Rosas showed himself ready to exercise the government in a total manner and with absolute disregard for those who were Unitarians or even lukewarm federalists. Judges, administrative officials and military chiefs were replaced, while the ecclesiastical authority was asked to take the same measure among parish priests who had shown sympathy for the Unitarians. »
« From the outset, Britain achieved superiority at sea, defeating the Franco-Spanish squadron in 1805 at the naval battle of Trafalgar, fought near Cadiz, which was practically destroyed. Having lost control of the sea, Bonaparte tried to compensate for his defeat by declaring a continental blockade against Britain: no British ship could enter the ports of France or its allies. This was intended to stifle the British economically. »

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